Monday, February 8, 2010

Successful Thoughts Bring Success

Do successful thoughts really bring in successes? What is success, really? How do thoughts change a person?

First things first: success is not the same for everybody.

Although we all knew of many individuals who were considered universal successes, each person, past or present, still has a different point of view what success is all about. These include how their own success meant to them, and how they measure these successes in each of their individual outlook.

1st premise: You are what you think you are...
Thoughts to action, to results
The only person who can stop you is simply YOU.

One expert said: "Everything you achieve or fail to achieve in your life is the direct result of your own thoughts!"

Your level of success in life is in direct proportion to your ability and willingness to direct your thoughts..... is what I beleive in. What Say on this ????

Success is a state of mind, if you believe in yourself then you will be successful. Success is doing what you were created to do, walking in your purpose. Success is get ready.